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Ludus Magnus Privacy Policy

We are bound by the Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1993. Those principals regulate how we collect, store, use and disclose personal information about you and other individuals. We will collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information in the course of operating our business. We will not collect information about you without your consent.   WE COLLECT INFORMATION ABOUT YOU FROM: ​

Your membership agreement and forms completed when joining the gym.

Your appointments with our staff, trainers and contractors.

Your attendance at the facility

Your written and verbal communication directly with us.

Our third party providers who are engaged by us to provide services such as payment processors and software providers.


Personal information about you such as your contact details and contact details for your next of kin.

Sensitive information about your health and well being, medical conditions, medication, exercise history, your health goals and your lifestyle.

Information about your purchases of goods and services from the facility and your use and participation in activities and events of the facility.

​ We may employ other companies or service providers to assist us in providing our services, including (but not limited to) marketing, market research, mail-house services, hosting and product development services, analysis of member lists and/ or consulting services. These third parties may have access to personal information that is needed to perform their specific function. They cannot use that information for other purposes.   WE USE INFORMATION COLLECTED ABOUT YOU FOR A NUMBER OF REASONS: ​

To provide services to you

To market our services directly to you

To process your payments for services

For planning, marketing and service development

  We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold about you is not subject to loss, misuse or unauthorized access or alternation. We will also take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer required. We will take all reasonable steps to correct any information, which you show to be inaccurate, incomplete or out of-date.   IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ACCESS OR CORRECT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION WHICH WE HOLD ABOUT YOU, PLEASE CONTACT US: ​ Ludus Magnus Ltd 135 Newton Road  Eden Terrace Auckland 1010 09 3796803
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